Tuesday 27 May 2014

If you want something done - ask a busy person!

I feel so bad that I have missed so much time in blogging but the title of today's post is explanation enough I think!  There has been birthdays, baby showers, baby arrivals, Christenings and a wedding coming up not to mention all the usual things that fill my life.  
The family has taken a lot more of my time recently as our middle daughter had her 3rd op for a pilonidal sinus removal which has left her with an 8" scar.  She is very uncomfortable still and I have been needing to take our grandson to school each morning as she is not yet able to sit and a bus journey would be pure torture. Shopping has also been long as she is so slow with walking but she has been glad to get out and about a bit, especially as her 3 children seem to have had boundless energy just when she could do without it.
  I am almost finished the wedding stationery for my niece and I have made several occasion word art gifts for new babies and one for a Christening gift.
 Photo: As promised, a photograph of a new project, not the best photograph though.
Boy version of baby birth details printed and framed.  
If you are interested the cost will be £10 which will include postage but not a frame!
You can choose your colours and extras (animals, stars, hearts, car, train etc.)
As I plan to sell these personalised to specific orders I thought I would make one up so that people could see the kind of things they could have.  I think every new baby in the family will now be getting one of these as I so love doing them.
We are off to see my brother in Germany next week and are looking forward to a week of rest and relaxation although I think my brother has other plans for us!