Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Getting there!

I seem to be starting a lot of posts with an apology but once again - sorry!  My Mum fell again last week and was admitted to hospital because she had a nasty bump on her head.  I had been waiting for this to happen as I didn't feel she was safe at home.  Finally the powers that be have listened and now assessed Mum and agrees that she needs more care.  This past week has been a bit manic with me travelling up and down the A19 daily to meet with social workers, visit care homes, be present at assessments and yesterday the manager of a very lovely care home assessed Mum and offered her a place.  Today we will be creating a new home there for Mum and taking her bed and furniture there along with her clothes, pictures, ornaments etc.  If everything is ok then she will be discharged from hospital on Friday and move in.  I feel very relieved that there will be someone around for her all day, every day although I have wrestled with my own feelings of getting her to this stage.  I felt very guilty that I was needing to encourage the decision for her to give up living independently even though I knew that she wasn't very independent!  Once I know that she is settled then I am sure I will be more at peace with myself.  As for crafting, well, I have done very little as I have also had my niece and her friend from Germany with us for the past 2 weeks+.  I feel as if I have neglected them a good bit.  They return home on Sunday so we are trying to fit a few things in before then.

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