Friday, 28 March 2014

A day in the life of......

I have had a really busy week and am feeling a bit tired this morning.  Yesterday was quite a day and it went like this
5am - Up, computer on, downstairs to make tea for me and my daughter, feed cats, put on kettle, empty and refill dishwasher, put on washer.
5.45-8am - take hubby a cup of tea and encourage him to get up, read emails, peek at Facebook, take my Scrabble turns, respond to emails, browse ebay for various bits, start work on tooth fairy pots letters and have a shower & dress.
8am - Go to our middle daughters (involves climbing up 6 flights of stairs to get to her flat) and I wait with the 2yr old & 4yr old while my husband takes her and 6yr old to his new school for his first day.  He has been home schooled for the past year and was so looking forward to going.  
8.45 am - leave daughters and return home.  Decide what dinner will be this evening and get mince out of freezer.  Make bed, empty washer and put clothes on airer.  Tidy in lounge.
10 am - make coffee then iron.  Put clothes away.  Go into loft to look for green material to make a Robin Hood costume for grandson for his Beavers weekend sleepover extravaganza.  
11.30 am - Prepare dinner for the evening, finish tooth fairy letters, make toppers for 30 tooth fairy pots, glue toppers on and print off letters.

 2.50 pm - Collect middle daughter and go to hospital for her appointment while hubby collects youngest granddaughter then goes to school to pick up 6 yr old, then to nursery to collect 4 yr old, then up to hospital to pick us up.
4.15 pm - make dinner for hungry hordes.  Dinner then tidy up and fill dishwasher. 
5.45 pm - Pile all into car and drop 6 yr old at Beavers, take daughter and 2 youngest children home, help get them ready for bed then all go to Beavers for a meeting regarding weekend sleepover.  Take them all back home and return home myself.
8.15 pm - Home and empty dishwasher and refill.  Put wash load on and make a cuppa.  Get ready for bed and catch up with Holby City.  
9.15 pm - Tidy up and put cats to bed then fall into bed at 10.30 pm (early for me).
No wonder I felt tired when I got up at 5 am this morning!

Friday, 21 March 2014

I must catch up, I must catch up!

My mantra for this week is 'I must catch up'.  I have failed a lot of our March birthday family members this year and have had to send belated cards to them, a first for me.  As soon as I have completed the mountain of jobs that are already in the process of being done I am determined to get ahead and make all the family cards to take me through to August!
Our eldest granddaughter in Australia, Katarina, is turning 13 next week and the card is sitting on our table waiting to post.  I took inspiration from something I spotted when searching for belated cards ideas but have no idea where I saw it.  It seemed to fit the bill for her perfectly as she is an owl and Harry Potter lover.  I hope the originators don't mind my using their idea.
Well today is the third Saturday in a row that I have done a craft fair and I am about to get myself into gear and set off.  One more next weekend then a week off before the last for a few weeks.  I will need to restock after that, crumbs I'll never catch up!!!!!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

I need more hours in a day, does anyone have any spare?

I have been so busy that I haven't had time to spare to post on here.  The days seem to be getting busier and I seem to be trying to fit in more and more.  I have always been an early riser and still get up around 5.15 am but I was having a couple of relaxing evenings in front of the TV while I caught up with a bit of knitting, not this week or last!  I have fitted in all the usual essentials of shopping, washing, loading and unloading the dishwasher etc plus I have visited my mum, taken a friend to the hospital for her check up, visited a potential school with my daughter for her boys, taken up the hems of 6 prs of trousers for someone, made bits and pieces for a craft fair, designed my niece's wedding invitations and printed them ready for assembly, taken a friend shopping and still managed to make these cards.  I have no idea how I fitted them in but maybe it was because I have missed a couple of family birthdays and needed to send them belated cards, hence the clocks.  At least I have some spare for the craft fair I am doing tomorrow.