Thursday, 20 March 2014

I need more hours in a day, does anyone have any spare?

I have been so busy that I haven't had time to spare to post on here.  The days seem to be getting busier and I seem to be trying to fit in more and more.  I have always been an early riser and still get up around 5.15 am but I was having a couple of relaxing evenings in front of the TV while I caught up with a bit of knitting, not this week or last!  I have fitted in all the usual essentials of shopping, washing, loading and unloading the dishwasher etc plus I have visited my mum, taken a friend to the hospital for her check up, visited a potential school with my daughter for her boys, taken up the hems of 6 prs of trousers for someone, made bits and pieces for a craft fair, designed my niece's wedding invitations and printed them ready for assembly, taken a friend shopping and still managed to make these cards.  I have no idea how I fitted them in but maybe it was because I have missed a couple of family birthdays and needed to send them belated cards, hence the clocks.  At least I have some spare for the craft fair I am doing tomorrow.


  1. The clock cards are fabulous!

  2. These are all beautiful cards, but I especially love the clock cards!
    Kathleen Mc x

  3. the clocks look great, especially the ones with pearls on
